I'd be lying if I said I never lied

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United States
So how y'all doing? My name's Cassidy and the gentleman you see in my picture is Sam. I like cats and music a lot and oh I play the ukulele, piano, and other shtuff. Have a nice day :)

Those other things that you can see

Monday, July 12, 2010

Aunt Vick's house and MONDAY

Yesterday we went to Aunt Vick's house after church. It's a long drive to where they live, so I stayed in the car and listened to my mp3. When we got there, we went inside and said hi and the boys got a billion new toys. Cory gave me a little dog thing. He's cute.

So we "watched" a movie while the grown-ups talked. Me, Cory, Corrina, Aidan, and Casey sat down to watch Aladdin. Humph. The only people "watching" it at the end was technically me and Cory. Except I was off in Cassidyland. So only Cory, who's seventeen years old. Yeah, the boys and Corrina bailed. Bor-ing.

Dinner was good. We had shish-kabobs. And I don't like grilled food, but the chicken was good. That means that it was VERY good if I like it. I'm not a food-ish person.

After dinner, we went out to see these trees out in their forest. They blew over in a storm, you could walk right out on them! Me and Uncle Dave were the only ones wearing sneakers, mine, converse, him, athletic. Cory, bedtime slippers. Dad, Aidan, and Casey, clogs. Nice. Corrina, Mom, and Aunt Vick didn't bother to come, so when the six of us headed back, it was time for hot brownie/fudge sundaes! Yum. FUDGE SAUCE.

And now it's Monday. Ugh. Another start of another week, gr. Can't it all be weekends? Next weekend, Jessica and Alyssa sleep over. Can't wait for them! Okay, g2g.

Yours tru-as-cheescake-ly,



Kristy said...

Sorry I haven't posted comments in FOREVER!!! I've been going to and fro from PA to the beach, and next week I won't be posting at all. And whoa, I just realized you've been posting on your old blog! Are you still using Llamas and Lipstick? This just shows you how much I need to catch up on DX

Please comment back!!

Kristy said...

Sorry I haven't posted comments in FOREVER!!! I've been going to and fro from PA to the beach, and next week I won't be posting at all. And whoa, I just realized you've been posting on your old blog! Are you still using Llamas and Lipstick? This just shows you how much I need to catch up on DX

Please comment back!!