I'd be lying if I said I never lied

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United States
So how y'all doing? My name's Cassidy and the gentleman you see in my picture is Sam. I like cats and music a lot and oh I play the ukulele, piano, and other shtuff. Have a nice day :)

Those other things that you can see

Saturday, April 10, 2010

'Sup on saterday

Hey peeps. It's Saturday. Yay! No school until Monday! YA! Well, next Monday (not this one, the one after) my Aunt Terry and Aunt Fran are taking me and Corrina shopping! Woo-Ho! Spending money! I have my list of places I want to go: GameStop. Maybe pop into Justice, if I need clothes. Mom's taking me to SA today to get me some shorts. I don't have any jean ones. So, I guess we'll shop today and next week. Cool. Things. I have enough things, but sometimes it's cool to get a little more. As long as I need it. Well, I don't need video games, but it'd be nice. Oh, and dad just got Sonic racing game. I played it at Liam's house, like, two years ago. It was fun, though. Dad said it's recommended for fans of Mario Kart. (Which me, Dad, Casey, Corrina, and Aidan are. Aidan's been banned, though, and mom doesn't like it. Kristine's never played) For those of you who don't know, UTD info. (Up To Date) Kristine is my former foster sister and she has a baby sister (Even though Kristine herself is only two) named Darlene. They're cute. So, yeah, dad's getting that. It's been shipped, that's all I'm aware of. Well, it hasn't come yet. So I'm just here waiting for that. And for mom to finish eating her breakfast. The boys and dad are going fishing. Good luck. I hope Aidan doesn't freak out about those worms. Sometimes, I think those boys could see a cranberry and be afraid. Well, time to go. Bye.

1 comment:

Kristy said...

I love to shop. My favorite places are Forever 21 and Plato's Closet.