I'd be lying if I said I never lied

My photo
United States
So how y'all doing? My name's Cassidy and the gentleman you see in my picture is Sam. I like cats and music a lot and oh I play the ukulele, piano, and other shtuff. Have a nice day :)

Those other things that you can see

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Hey, Easter bunny! Gimme my candy!

Okay, so, it's the day before Easter. Already died eggs and made sure that I have a nice shirt. How to define a good shirt, by mom's standards, is one without words, comics, or rips. By my standards, it's anything that fits that's not pink. Shirts are one of the many things I don't care a lot about. All my favorite shirts, though, have words. Words are something I am very fond of. Hence the writer title. Oh, and, speaking of shirts, got a new one. Fry guys. It's cool. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you guys. Me and my dad tried to hook the wii up, but something keeps going wrong. I hope we can figure it out. Well, that's it. Peace out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is wrong w/the Wii?