I'd be lying if I said I never lied

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United States
So how y'all doing? My name's Cassidy and the gentleman you see in my picture is Sam. I like cats and music a lot and oh I play the ukulele, piano, and other shtuff. Have a nice day :)

Those other things that you can see

Thursday, May 20, 2010


Hey, everyone. Who's wondering about the title? My sister, who's right next to me!

Magamagaphoosybalm (NOT lipstick) is a long word with a simple meaning. (Since it is rather hard to type, let's just call it MMPB for short) MMPB is just a long word for my bedroom. I read on one of my varios favorite blogs (I'll post just a few more later) that someone's asking about a dream room or something. Here goes my Magamagaphoosybalm:

It would be all black, with purple stripes/peace signs/smiley faces everywhere. And my bed would have very fluffy purple/black pillows and, uh, a blanket. Of some sort. And there would be a flatscreen TV on the wall, and a Wii, with every video game that's awesome. And then a huge computer touch-screen (Or Ipad works) and a giant blue beanbag chair. Oh, and a HUGE bookshelf full of awesome books and sweet CDs. And then throw in an Idog Amp'd, maybe a little stereo action, nacho maker, popcorn popper, and dash in a little DVD/Bluray player, and you're good to go. This has been my Magamagaphoosybalm. Thank you and comment away.


Lexi said...


Kristy said...

Sounds awesome!! Last week in art class we were working on vanishing point drawings. It's basically from a perspective; you know when you look at a hallway from one end to the other, it keeps going on and on until it slants and the other end "disappears?" That's vanishing point. It is VERY hard to draw round objects such as rugs and lamps and plants when they are next to a side wall or on the floor horizontally. Just look up "vanishing point" on Bing under images. You'll know what I mean when it comes up. Anyway, the room I drew would totally be a dream one. Starry night ceiling, wall sconces, stairs, giant window with a view, leopard print rug.....etc. I love technology, but this one is about the appearance.

Anonymous said...

Whoaaa awesome!