I'd be lying if I said I never lied

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United States
So how y'all doing? My name's Cassidy and the gentleman you see in my picture is Sam. I like cats and music a lot and oh I play the ukulele, piano, and other shtuff. Have a nice day :)

Those other things that you can see

Monday, October 11, 2010

The baseball bat war

Hi everyone. Yesterday, at church, I helped in the sermon. YES, in the sermon.

Pastor Mike was preaching today. That morning, he called me and Steph into his office. Usually, when an adult pulls me over to their office or something like that, I'm in trouble. But he just wanted our help in the sermon. It was fun; I was Gossip, Steph was, uh, Drunkenness.

But the most fun part was after church.

We had to stay afterwords to help paint games for Harvest Fest this year. Me, Mackenzie, Corrina, Sheesh, and Yuri had to paint fish for a game. That was fun, and we painted some cool fish. But after, we had to find something to do. And what better thing to do then sit around looking at pictures on my mp3 player. (yawn)

Yuri was lugging a baseball bat around all day. He put it down for a minute to do something. I took it.

This created a mad chase around the church. It was me, Abby, Kaylyn, and Corrina against Yuri. Our hideouts were my dad's car and the girl's bathroom. (Luckily, we weren't found out in there.)

I ran with the bat, determined not to let him get it. I must say, considering I really don't like Yuri, it was a lot of fun. I now know that I can outrun Yuri, even when I'm exhausted from getting up at six o'clock that morning. This only proves how awesome I am.

This is what I learned:  When you have a baseball bat, never let it fall into the wrong hands.

Or my hands. And after he left,  me and Abby turned against Kaylyn and Corrina for a game of old-fashioned WAR!!!!!!!!!!

We didn't use the bat for that. We used pillows and drums. Corrina and Kaylyn came charging at us with baby dolls. It was really weird, because those things have massively large (and hard!!) heads. Still, it was fun, and now, we're going shopping for Halloween costumes for me, Corrina, and the boys. Bye!

1 comment:

Loulou said...

WOw, that sounds like soo much fun!!! I would have loved to be you that day!
And sorry but for some reason my internet would not let me comment cause whenever i pressed like publish it would say there is an error in the network connection... But its working now! And now I can comment again!

Wow, this is long...