I'd be lying if I said I never lied

My photo
United States
So how y'all doing? My name's Cassidy and the gentleman you see in my picture is Sam. I like cats and music a lot and oh I play the ukulele, piano, and other shtuff. Have a nice day :)

Those other things that you can see

Saturday, August 21, 2010

I'm back! (kind of)

Did anyone miss me? Well, now I'm at Sheesh and Kaylyn's house. We came home from Vermont a day early. So last night I took my room (the couch in the spare room) and stayed here. Today I'm going back to my house-like place after Uncle John's cookout. It's early. Too early for Cassidy on Saturday.

Well, anyways, Vermont was awesome! On the first day, we went to Ben and Jerry's and the cheese factory! IT WAS PURE AWESOMENESS! Our hotel was cool.

On Tuesday, we went hiking. We hiked down a mountain, which is harder then it seems. We took a ride up, but going down was pretty difficult, and steep. We were all really tired after that. We headed to the hotel to watch my dad's favorite show (and my mom's least favorite) TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND RERUNS! Once again, pure awesomeness.

Wednesday, we went to a maple syrup factory and saw all these creepy dolls that looked like they were dead. Except they had samples of syrup, and they were REALLY good. Then, we went to these cool things called Alpine slides. THEY WERE AWESOME! You rode on this sled down this cement slide and you can go REALLY fast. Corrina fell off. Rock on. Well, there were these trampoline-bungee things and you can do BACKFLIPS! Not front flips. Those are too hard.

Then, on Thursday, we went to a science museum. It was okay. There were some cool things. We creeped this guy out. He was trying to show us how to make boats, but we didn't talk to him. We just stared at him. It was awesome. That night, we went out to eat to this steakhouse. The burgers were fine, but HUGE! I barely ate half. Kaylyn only ate a fourth.

Friday, yesterday, we went to MORE alpine slides. These were the biggest in someplace-or-other. Those were fun. There was a lame water ride, a big swing, and a little zip line. But the most fun part were the trampolines there. Me and Sheesh did them a bunch of times. Some of the attendant's friends came over. She was a high school girl. I tried to see what would get her attention. NOTHING works on those people. I kept on trying to do front flips, which I can't, and I'd land on my head and scream.

Her friends could see me. They were saying, "You know there's a girl screaming behind you, right?" And she'd say, "Oh, don't worry, she'll be okay." Then I just started screaming for no reason. The other attendants were laughing. My attendant didn't care.

It was probably the greatest time of my life. I had fun. And then we came home and here we are, I'm blogging, and I've got to go. See y'all.

Yours true-and-backly,



Lexi said...

coool glad u had fun :)

Kristy said...

I haven't been hiking in a looonng time. . .that's hilarious about the attendant XD XD XD