I'd be lying if I said I never lied

My photo
United States
So how y'all doing? My name's Cassidy and the gentleman you see in my picture is Sam. I like cats and music a lot and oh I play the ukulele, piano, and other shtuff. Have a nice day :)

Those other things that you can see

Saturday, September 6, 2008


OK, to be honest,I have no idea if anyone is actually reading this blog! No one ever leaves comments! I want to know YOUR opinion. Oh dear, it's starting to rain again.Wow ,this town does rain a lot! I hope it doesn't rain when were' on vacation.Stop worrying self! Whatever happens, god will need it to happen for a reason. Sorry, dazed out a little there. Where was I? Oh yeah, rain.It's fun to play in though. I love to get my clothes wet and feel all that water on me like I was thrown in to a pool with all of my clothes on! It would be nice to live under water. I used to dream about the entire world just being a pool.It would be nice, but we couldn't breathe.Oh well, I like living better,So that might not be such a good idea. Well, PLEASE leave a comment! I'm begging! Well, that wraps it up. See ya!

Won't see you for a while,truly.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read your blog & I think it's great. Love, mom