I'd be lying if I said I never lied

My photo
United States
So how y'all doing? My name's Cassidy and the gentleman you see in my picture is Sam. I like cats and music a lot and oh I play the ukulele, piano, and other shtuff. Have a nice day :)

Those other things that you can see

Thursday, April 30, 2009

I can't hold it!

I know I said we were doing the carnival, but I have so much to say! Tuesday we had a pizza party at co-op. Then was an ice cream social. Me and my friends had huge sugar rushes. Then my sister got two new ub funkey's and some walkies-talkies. And I got new shoes. Then, the best thing, MY DAD TOOK ME TO A WOOSTER SHARKS HOKEY GAME! It was so much fun, even though the sharks lost. There was this old guy selling cotton candy, He was trying to say 'candy here', but it sounded more like 'Mandy ere'. I fell asleep in the car ride home. Now today my dad went on his FIRST MISSIONARY TRIP EVER! Now he must be in the UK. I won't see him for 11 days! I miss him already. Well, gotta go! Oh, but one last thing, we are two posts away form 100, so I'm planning something big. So be here, or you will not be happy! See ya!


Mike Brown said...

one word: yummy

Mike Brown said...

by the way, i love the sharks games.