I'd be lying if I said I never lied

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United States
So how y'all doing? My name's Cassidy and the gentleman you see in my picture is Sam. I like cats and music a lot and oh I play the ukulele, piano, and other shtuff. Have a nice day :)

Those other things that you can see

Friday, June 24, 2011


Sitting here with a laptop on my lap, curled up in a ball on the old, ratty chair in my living room. I've been looking over old posts, seeing how good friends I used to be with some people, and noticed how it fades away sometimes...

I've been reading a lot of Jade from Bug Being Bug's old posts today. I've noticed how different our writing styles are. Mine is goofy, random, smart, quick, and bold. Hers is artsy, inspiring, quirky, interesting, more girly. Both of us get lots of comments on some posts, and barely any on others. The differences:

She has two more followers than me, which isn't fair, because she deserves so many more.
She has so many more pictures on her posts than I do.
Her writing is so much better than mine.

I miss Jade. I don't really know where she went, but she hasn't posted in so long...her writing was one of the few things that I would really look forward to. Knowing that her clean, true, totally open writing will be there for me at the end of the day...

My life has a lot of drama. That's it. But I've noticed that at times when there's more drama than others, I have still blogged...daily.

I guess this blog has always been just ME. Totally random and incredibly pointless, crazy and Cassidy.

I love you all. And I am ALWAYS going to be writing like that. Crazy and Cassidy.

Love your own Cassidy the Monisa.


Loulou said...

And your crazy blog posts is why we love you and your blog! <3

Anonymous said...

You shouldn't compare your writing style to someone else's. People have different life's and difficulties. Your writing expresses who you are, and you shouldn't want to change it. Besides, why would you want to change it? It is awesome just the way it is.
Be yourself -your cool, awesome, totally Cassidy self!

Advice from your friend,
~Becky~ :)

Shannon ( '_' ) said...

I LOVE the picture you put up:)
I know some people who's blogs I really liked to read, and I haven't heard from them in a really long time.
I like your blog a lot too:)<3

Anonymous said...

Cassidy, you are such a good writer!!!
You see, I envy you when you write those non scence comedy things like chabbigale!!!(I hope I spelt it right) Because I can't write like that!!! I can only write fantasy and more serious stuff!!! I would love to write more like you!!!